Dear Friend,
… often a time for reflecting on the year that was & the year to be. I gave up making New Year resolutions decades ago. This wasn’t because I couldn’t keep the pledges I set or they were unachievable. It was more I came to the realisation by trying to stick to making good on my resolutions I was restricting my vision & potentially missing other possibilities presenting themselves.
I firmly believe everything happens for a reason. At the time, we may not realise why things happen when they do & why their appearance can sometimes feel untimely! Signs are popping up serendipitously in our lives; we only need to be open-minded to see them.
Case in point: For many weeks at the end of last year I searched online for an in-person Reiki Drumming™ workshop taking place in 2022. All workshops seem to follow an identical course outline. And, while there are many teachers out there, I was searching for someone I resonated with. No matter the day or time I searched, for some reason the same teachers kept coming up. I took this as a sign & made contact. It turns out, one teacher is taking a sabbatical this year, another is fully booked until later in the year, one is only offering the course online, & another repeated exactly what I’d already read on their website bypassing replying to the questions I had requested answers to. Perhaps this wasn’t the right time to be searching for a Reiki Drumming™ workshop after all! So I put this task to one side. When I recommenced my quest using the same search terms in the first week of the new year so many more practitioners appeared. I was immediately drawn to Fay Johnstone’s openness, & her focus of grounding Reiki Drumming™ practice with nature, & connecting with our intuition. I’m really looking forward to her workshop in early February.
In the last few days I have found Jean Haner’s book, “The Hidden Symmetry of your Birth Date: How Your Birth Date Reveals the Plan For Your Life” (Hay House 2013, ISBN 9781781801154), fascinating reading. It may be of interest to you too.
It explores a branch of Chinese medicine which maps how our personal energy moves through time. According to Jean’s 30+ years working with Nine Star Ki, there are unique & purposeful annual cycles for our entire life journey with each year providing valuable patterns to guide us on making the most progress professionally & personally. Jeans says the more we can align with this energy the more easily things will go & at the same time we’ll be building & strengthening the foundation for our progress for future years.
I’ve discovered in 2022 I’m crossing a threshold into a whole new era in life where anything is possible. A year to dream big, let my creativity flow, take workshops; a time of new beginnings, inner growth, of trusting my instincts & intuition, with time for rest & reflection to deepen & develop conceptual ideas. Of moving with the tide. So in 2022, while I continue my tradition of not making resolutions, my focus will be on going with the flow, allowing the year to unfold, & following my intuition.
Several of Louise Hay’s affirmations, as shared by Jean, may resonate with you for the coming year & offer support with being more open to unknown possibilities…
“I have faith in the perfect unfolding of my life.”
“I allow my life to happen.”
“I trust that new things are developing for me & they will appear when the time is right.”
I invite you to share below the signposts you’ve noticed during the year which have either allowed you to course-correct or supported the direction your life is flowing in.
Whether you’ve chosen to set intentions for the coming year, or choose to be open to whatever comes into your life, I wish you every happiness & may you realise all your hopes & dreams in 2022.
Warm wishes